Anti Wrinkle Treatment

Anti wrinkle Newtown Sydney

Anti-Wrinkle Treatments Tailored Just For You!

Worried about visible signs of Ageing?

We offer Anti-wrinkle injections as a solution to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines on the face. The treatment works by temporarily relaxing the muscles that cause wrinkles, leading to a smoother appearance.

Anti-wrinkle injections can treat wrinkles and fine lines on the forehead, between the eyebrows, and around the eyes. The treatment is quick, non-invasive, and requires no downtime, making it an excellent option for those seeking to enhance their appearance without surgery.

The results of anti-wrinkle injections are typically visible within 3-7 days and can last for up to 4 months. The treatment can be repeated as needed to maintain the desired results.

Benefits of Anti-Wrinkle Injections

Anti-wrinkle injections are a popular cosmetic treatment that offers several benefits, including:

Facial Massage

Improved Appearance

Anti-wrinkle injections can help reduce wrinkles and fine lines, leading to a smoother-looking complexion.

Non Invasive Treatment


Anti-wrinkle injections are a non-invasive cosmetic treatment, making it an excellent option for those seeking to enhance their appearance without undergoing invasive procedures.

botox treatment

Quick Results

The results of anti-wrinkle injections are typically visible within 3-7 days, making it an excellent option for those seeking to achieve a more natural appearance quickly.

Facial Massage


The effects of anti-wrinkle injections can last for up to 4 months, making it a convenient and long-lasting option for those seeking to maintain their natural appearance.

Safe treatments at glow by Monique NSW


Anti-wrinkle injections are a safe and well-tolerated cosmetic treatment that has been used for many years to improve the appearance of the face.

botox treatment


Anti-wrinkle injections can be customized to suit individual needs and goals, with the amount of medication used and the number of injections given being tailored to each patient's needs.

Anti wrinkle treatment, Newtown, Sydney

How Anti - Wrinkle Injections Work?

Anti-wrinkle injections work by relaxing the muscles that cause wrinkles and fine lines. The medication temporarily paralyzes the muscles it is injected into.

When anti-wrinkle injections are used to treat wrinkles and fine lines, the medication is carefully injected into the muscles that cause the wrinkles. This then temporarily paralyzes these muscles, preventing them from contracting and causing wrinkles.

The effects of anti-wrinkle injections typically become visible within 3-7 days, with the full effects being visible within two weeks. The treatment typically lasts for up to 4 months, after which time the injections can be repeated to maintain the desired results.

Overall, anti-wrinkle injections are a safe and effective way to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, making the skin look smoother and refreshed. The procedure is simple, non-invasive, and can be customized to suit individual needs and goals.

Treatment Areas

Anti-wrinkle injections can be used on various areas of the face, including the forehead, around the eyes (crow’s feet), between the eyebrows (frown lines), jaw, lips, lower face and neck. These injections are effective in reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, providing a more and refreshed appearance. Please consult RN Monique Savill for a customised plan for yourself.

Anti - Wrinkle Treatment Pricing

Upper Face

Anti Wrinkle Treatment varies from one individual to the other. Therefore, pricing varies depending on the dosage required. Upper face treatment areas include:

  • Forehead & Frown Lines from $300
  • Frown Lines from $200
  • Crows Feet from $300
  • 3 Areas from $550
  • Baby Tox from $450

Jaw Slimming (Masseters)from $550

Treatment to help reduce the size of the masseter muscles. This treatment is good for people that clench their jaw and have large masseter muscles.

Anti-Wrinkle Injections for Men

  • Forehead & Frown Lines from $530
  • Crows Feet from $400

  • Men often require more units of anti-wrinkle treatment than women. This is thought to be due to greater muscle mass in men compared to women. This means more product is needed on men to get the ideal mount of relaxation required.

    Lower Face

    Anti Wrinkle Treatment varies from one individual to the other. Therefore, pricing varies depending on the dosage required. Lower face treatment areas include:

    • Lip Flip from $120
    • Downward Smile/ Downturned Mouth (DAO) from $120
    • Brow Lift from $120
    • Add on to another treatment $70

    • Chin Dimpling from $150
    • Gummy Smile from $150
    • Add on to another treatment $100

    Hay Fever TreatmentFrom $250

    Anti wrinkle product is placed into a bottle and used like nasal spray. It helps to block the nerve endings in the nasal passage.


    Many areas of the upper and lower face can be treated with anti wrinkle injections. These areas include forehead, frown, crows feet, gummy smile, upper lip, down- turned smile, chin, masseters (jaw clenching & facial slimming) and neck.

    Anti-wrinkle injections, usually take 3-7 days to take full effect, with results lasting 3-4 months. The duration of the results depends on factors such as the amount injected and the individual’s metabolism. Repeat treatments are necessary to maintain the desired effects.

    Anti-wrinkle cosmetic injectables typically cause minimal discomfort during the injection process. A very fine needle is used, and the procedure takes only a few minutes. Some people experience slight swelling or bruising at the injection site, but this usually resolves within a few days.

    You may be eligible for anti-wrinkle injections if you are 18 years or older, in good general health, and seeking treatment for fine lines, wrinkles, excessive sweating, migraines, or muscle spasms. Pregnant or breastfeeding individuals may not be eligible.

    To prepare for cosmetic injectables like anti wrinkle or fillers, it’s recommended to avoid alcohol, anti-inflammatory medications, and vitamins that promote bleeding for at least 24 hours before the procedure. 

     “Lip Flip” is a non-invasive cosmetic procedure using anti wrinkle to temporarily relax the muscles that cause the upper lip to curl inwards when smiling. This enhances the appearance of the upper lip, giving it a fuller look. The results typically last 3 months.

    The results of anti-wrinkle cosmetic injectables typically last 3-4 months. The duration of the results depends on factors such as the individual’s muscle activity, metabolism, and the amount injected. Repeat treatments are necessary to maintain the desired effects.

    The frequency of anti-wrinkle cosmetic injectables depends on several factors, such as the individual’s muscle activity, metabolism, and desired effects. On average, treatments are recommended every 3-4 months to maintain the desired results.

    It is not recommended to receive cosmetic injectable treatments while pregnant or breastfeeding. These treatments have not been extensively studied in pregnant or breastfeeding individuals and may pose a risk to the developing fetus or infant.